Virtual Court Etiquette (Video and Audio)
The same formal etiquette and protocol of a physical court proceeding is expected in Virtual Court. The perspective others have of you in a Virtual Court is what they can see through your camera.
- Dress professionally as if you are attending a courtroom hearing
- Join the proceeding from a quiet, secure location
- Ensure that there will be no interruptions or distractions (children, pets, smoking, eating, etc.)
- Engage “mute” until called upon to speak, assume you are being listened to at all times
- Focus on the camera and identify yourself speaking clearly and concisely when called upon
- Use or access to phones are prohibited
- Do not interrupt others when they speak, nor attempt to speak over them
- Refrain from responding physically and/or audibly when you don’t agree with what is being said
Think of Virtual Court as an opportunity to participate actively, even when you are not speaking. Stay engaged, attentive and respectful at all times. Always treat Virtual Court hearings like a physical court hearing.
*Your advocate will contact you regarding Virtual Court schedules and connectivity.